Friday, September 7, 2007

Longer than expected

It seems that with adoption everything ends up taking longer than expected. At least that has been our situation and most others I have encountered. The part of the process that we were told would take 4-6 weeks...the part we are going through now and are at the 6 week mark...will be taking 6-8 weeks and maybe more :-(

This means that we probably will not hear anything for another 2-4 weeks at the earliest. Boo hoo. I am not the most patient person to begin with, so this is not easy for me to deal with. However, because I am completely and utterly powerless in this situation, I will have to make the best of it and focus on the millions of other things that I have going on right now! But, secretly...not so secret now, is it?...I am still hoping we will have her home by Christmas...although with each passing day that becomes more unlikely. Boo hoo again. But you know...IT IS ALWAYS DARKEST BEFORE THE DAWN!!!

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